Monday, September 1, 2008

A True "Labor" Day

One of the memories of my childhood is of my dad telling me that 'Labor Day' was a day that we did "labor". It was one of the few days he had off work so he aways used the time to catch up on things he needed to get done. Of course as kids the thought of 'working' on a holiday was horrifying.

This year my parents are off with the little kids on vacation for the weekend and Im home making a real 'labor' day of it cause its my only day off work! Oh the irony!

Today's to do list looks something like this:

Laundry (take tags of scrubs/wash)
Bleach counter tops

Put TOW #20 in journals
Return emails
CJ update
September projects
Set up October CT & Admin meeting

All classes
Print Syllabus

Start roast
Clean out car
Add water to fish tank
Get rid of scrubs (butterflies, blue stars)

Guess I better get off and running to get all this done. ...oh to be the days when Labor Day was a day OFF!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Sanchez said...

lol looks about like what I do everyday... though that might be changing VERY quickly!!