Sunday, September 28, 2008

Seriously! WOW!

So yesterday before work I was complaining about how tired I was blah blah blah right?

Well I went to work and WOW what a night! When I got there I ended up being L&D back up (which means I go down on deliveries if needed) and first non-vent (older than 34-35week) admit. When the night started we didnt have any planned admits. 2-3 hours into the shift we heard we had 2 deliveries to attend, a 31 weeker and a 35 weeker. Practically as soon as the 31 weeker was being admitted (the MD was still working on him and writing orders) the nurses went down on a 27weeker delivery. When they came back from that they let me know we had to go on a scheduled c-section (we attend them all). We attended that-healthy baby who stayed in the newborn nursery downstairs. About an hour later we went down on the 35weeker which could have gone either way, stayed downstairs or came up with us.

He ended up coming up with us which made him my admit. He was my first admit so I pretty much had no idea what all I was supposed to do. One of the nurses that was helping me said "Is your baby breathing? is it pink? then your doing fine" So very nice of her to kinda give me that boost of just remembering what is most important and that everything else will come along.

So all in all at the end of the night we went to a total of 5 deliveries (3 for me) and admitted 3 babies, in 12 hrs. Thats the busiest night I have worked so far.

Oh and crazy me! I volunteered to be first non-vent admit again just to get more experience. One thing someone told me that I really took to heart was that when your new take all the new experience you can so that you can learn. People are much more open to the "I dont knows" when you havent worked there very long. And therefore much more willing to help. Plus when your first admit you have much more help cause everyone runs in to assist you but when your number 3 or something else everyone is already busy helping with the others and so your much more on your own.

Off to night number 3!


Alayna's Creations said...

Oh yeah that sounds like a busy night. And also sounds like great advice. I bet you are learning a a lot.

Anonymous said...

Sounds exciting! Were all the babies ok? And I think that since you got that job I have been alot more informed on premature babies (its pretty scary)!