Thursday, October 2, 2008

Freaked out

I went to Walmart this evening and while there I noticed the guy looking at me and he immediately gave me a weird feeling. I acted like I didnt notice and kept shopping. When I came out of the next isle he was standing in the middle of the main isle, obviously waiting for me to come out. He said "Hi, how are you doing?", I said "Fine, thanks" and kept walking. A few more times while I was shopping he kept turning up, every time just walking around, nothing in his hands and not looking at any products.


He gave me the creeps enough that I was watching for him when I left and I planned to ask security to walk me out if I saw him near the door. I'm not one to freak out about that kinda stuff or over-react so when I was nervous like that it was strange, and not something I want to do again!

But here I am, home safe and sound with a Hershey melting in my mouth...perfect!


Anonymous said...

Eww what a creepy stalker! That would have freaked me out too!

jmt said...

This might sound a little weird, but whenever I get the creepy feeling about someone in a store, and it has to be a public place like Wal-Mart...I actually reverse the role and try to follow them around and pop up to let them know I'm fully aware of them and I'm not scared of YOU. It seems to work....but always stay guarded and aware when you leave the store, as you did. :)