Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oh the Places We Will Go!!

Lately I have had the desire to 'go'. Just about anywhere shopping, traveling concerts, comedy etc. So this week I made plans for a lunch date for Sunday *crossing my fingers* and bought tickets to do see Phantom of the Opera at our local art center. I haven't seen it before and I thought it would be a fun outing. I'm taking my g-ma with me who I know will love it since she has seen it before and going to have fun!

Another thing I have planned way into the future came from watching Jon & Kate +8. They took the girls to the American Girl store and it looked like fun so I looked up where they are located. Unfortunately there isn't one anywhere around here so I cant take Maddie and Chloe who love AG. BUT there is one in CA so I can take Kayla! Yay! After looking at the site its obvious its geared for girls 6 and older but I think Im going to take her when I go home before the end of the year. This time will be more for me than for her but still fun. I just wanna get a feel for it for now. Hopefully, Kayla will love AG and will want to go when she gets older. She wont get an AG doll for a while since they are pricey and something that I feel she should be able to take care of before she gets. Who knows maybe she will get her first doll on a trip to the store. Guess we will just have to see.

Obviously AG are something that I just love. I don't know if AG wasn't around when I was little or if I just didn't know about it but wow what a fun concept "Just Like Me" dolls etc. I soooo hope Kayla things they are as awesome as I do! Maddie and Chloe really like them so it gives me hope :)

Now what am I going to plan next??

1 comment:

Alayna's Creations said...

That's exactly how I felt all summer - I wanna get out and have fun! So enjoy. I'm sure you'll like phantom. We just watched the movie at the retreat - little coincidence there.
Another coincidence - Audrey was just talking about her AG doll collection (yes they were around when you were little LOL) and how she is almost ready to introduce her girls to them :)