Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Girls

This weekend I had the girls over for Friday night and it was more of a whirlwind than usual. For some reason I felt the need to jam pack every single second they were here, I almost forgot to stop and enjoy having them.

Let's see what all did we do?

Friday-they came over around 3, and hour earlier than I was expecting them so I was already behind because of that. First they went straight to the toy spot and started playing, the toys that are there must be better than I think cause they always do that but those toys seem SO boring to me. After they settled in we made dinner together, mini pizzas. Then we played games for a little while before we left for the store. I took them to Toys R Us cause I forgot to pick up a second Barbie for them. Its so much fun to go with them to the toy store cause they are so excited to pick stuff out. And they are soooo polite its amazing! They say thank you for every single thing, and not just to me they thank the cashier, the waiter etc. So we came home from the store and they took a shower and played with their new toys while I cleaned up.

We played more games...Big Trouble, Operation, Five Little Monkeys and then started up the Wii. The girls had fun with the Wii although Maddie managed to throw the remote (on accident of course) and it hit my brand new TV! Thank goodness it's okay, my heart about flew out of my chest...yikes!

By the time we finished playing games and watched a movie the girls didnt go to bed until 1130 which is the latest they have ever stayed up at my house. I know its the weekend when they stay with me but by the time we get to bed time Im usually so tired Im ready for them to go to bed by 9 lol.

So all of that was just day one!

On Saturday the girls managed to sleep in, or at least Chloe did. Maddie is really quiet when she wakes up and just plays or reads a book so when I woke up she was in the living room playing with the Barbies. After breakfast we went to the children's museum around here that was okay, kinda young for Maddie's age but they still managed to have fun. We went from there to Red Robin for lunch, where I got 'ma'am'd UGH!! Im sure its because they are getting older so it looks like I must have to be old to have 2 kids their age. After lunch we went to the IMAX theatre and saw Deep Sea which was a very beautiful film with actual ocean footage. Chloe landed in my lap though because they kept having fish flash in front of the screen and making her jump.

After all that I took them home and got to see Emmy and Abbey while Abbey opened her birthday present. She was so cute with her new toy. I bought her a My Little Pony that talks and crawls and she loved it. She kept squeezing it with a big smile while she felt the legs move, lol. Poor kid though she has to keep trying to get it back from her big sisters who want to play with it too. Being the oldest makes me wonder what its like to be the youngest of 4 girls...gotta me pretty busy fighting your way to the top all the time.

So after all of that I sat down on my couch and just sat and sat... It's so quiet at my house after they leave.

Oh I forgot the most exciting part of the weekend. When we were leaving and I was locking the front door I turned around to see Maddie straddling the stair banister and getting ready to slide down it. I almost had a heart attack!! I very calmly said "Maddie, please get down" after she did I hugged her and told her to PLEASE never do that again! These stairs are outside so they are over both stone and cement...all I could picture is guts...awful! The funny part about it is Madison is the perfect child, I pretty much never have to correct anything she does. The most serious thing I ever have to get on to her about is to not jump on the floor cause I have people living below me. So for her to do something like that... Though of course she was by no means doing it to be 'bad' she is just the one who likes to do things that require balance.

Of course she broke the one and only rule I have "If you can get hurt doing it you cant do it" but at least now I know my heart stopped then started all on its own.

All in all it was a great weekend. But in the words of Chloe "Why did it have to go so fast?"

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