Friday, August 29, 2008

Politics in My Music???

This morning I was on my way to work and of course I had the radio on. I couldn't find anything I really wanted to listen to so I ended up with the song "Lolli Lolli" which I don't care for too much but I could stand.

As I was listening to the lyrics I heard them say clear as a bell "As Barack Obama says we need a change" WHAT THE HECK? I'm not politically involved by any means and don't have an informed opinion about either candidate but I STILL don't want messages about politics in my music! It felt very sneaky!

If I was a good citizen I would be calling/emailing the station (XM21) and letting them know my opinion...but instead I'm just blogging about!

1 comment:

J.Jones said...

Wow that is crazy about that song. You would never think that you would hear about politics in a song lol. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I just started bloggin right before I went to WA. Well I hope you have a good weekend.